
jueves, 10 de marzo de 2016

Hoodrip Skateboarding

Google Play Free

Directo  Apk  |  SD

Ruta para los datos SD:  sdcard/Android/obb/

Quiza te interese ganar $$$ o saldo para tu cel (solo Mexico)
Hoodrip is all about arcade-style skateboarding fun. 
Skate through interesting spots across the city and take part in entertaining and fast-paced contests to win real merchandise from leading lifestyle brands.
- Free to play forever with absolutely no iAPs
- New challenges with real merchandise prizes every week
- Regular timed competitions and career mode (with tutorials)
- Create your own crew and challenge your friends
Wide range of interesting and fun challenge modes:
- High score
- Best combo
- Best accuracy
- Fastest run
- Most donuts collected… Etc.
Hoodrip is a game that delivers great gameplay and fresh graphics that will keep you entertained for hours.

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